*Full Name:
*Email Address:
*Campaign Committee Name:
*Address of Campaign:
*Office/Position Being Sought:
*Party Affiliation:
*Date of Election:
Do you presently hold an elective office?
Yes No
If yes, what office?
Is this the office you are a candidate for?
Were you elected or appointed?
Elected Appointed
Education: High School:
*Labor Background:
Have you received our endorsement for any other political office?
Present Occupation:
*Why are you a candidate for this office?
*Are you supportive of Collective Bargaining Agreements?
Please explain:
*Are you supportive of Project Labor Agreements?
*Are you supportive of Responsible Contracting Language?
*Are you in favor of Prevailing Wage?
*Are you willing to protect Ohio against further Right to Work Legislation?
Additional Comments:
Signature: Use your mouse, finger, or touch device to write your signature. Clear
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